Tuesday 29 June 2010

That’s my kind of dog!

On seeing an early morning news item about how a Dog was being used to sniff and monitor blood sugar levels in a little girl, I knew it had to be a special day. This was confirmed on checking the Chinese almanac.

Today is such an auspicious day that it is good for all signs except Dragon’s. The Metal of today exactly matches the Annual qi and the Dog is part of the same group as the 2010 Tiger and Horse. Actually, if you have a Horse in your horoscope, albeit in the year, month, day or hour, it will be as if you have six animals today instead of the usual four. This will make the fire element extremely strong in your chart and may bring power, wealth, romance, creativity or vibrancy. Find out how it affects you by having a free Chinese horoscope and then check the Attribute cycle.

The almanac further stated today is excellent for relationships, marriage and getting engaged. Trading, building or renovating property. Buying clothes, seeing friends and drinking or making wine, as if we needed any excuse. So cheers!
Until tomorrow – enjoy today!

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