Thursday 8 September 2011

Like a cat on a hot tin roof

Wherever possible I try to choose a popular proverb for a title that may appear obvious at first, but later yields great subtlety. In a way, Feng Shui is like this; the changes we advise in a consultation may appear obvious and full of common sense, and yet they create harmony, success and joy at a most profound level.

So the first obvious part of the title is “hot” alluding to Fire, whilst “cat” refers to the Tiger, which should tell you that today is a Fire Tiger day. Meanwhile, “tin roof” denotes the Rooster; it is of the metal element and we are all under its influence as from today.

The whole title indicates being restless, skittish and unable to remain still for any length of time, which is certainly a trait of today’s creature. It can also show anxiety, probably due to today being the start of a Fire Rooster month. In this current Rabbit year, this is a “month break” and can indicate problems arising from rapid change.

However, most issues can be balanced and harmony found with the water element, generally taken as communicating. Talking to people will certainly bring harmony, and the water element can also be found by travelling, having salty foods in your diet, wearing black or dark blue colours and by being near water.

According to the book of nature or Chinese almanac, success and joy can be found today by learning something new and taking a course, visiting friends, getting engaged, fixing a roof, shopping and buying clothes (as if we needed an excuse), or setting up a tombstone.

Tomorrow is a Fire Rabbit day. Until then enjoy NOW!

Finn & Slim Shooey

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