Tuesday 6 December 2011

Smile don’t get a goat – it’s annual kindness day

There is plenty to smile about as we celebrate an alignment between today’s Wood Goat, the current monthly sign of Pig and the annual Rabbit sign. This produces the strongest wood influence that can create either great kindness or incredible anger.

In the modern vernacular, “goat” is a metaphor for your state of peacefulness. When your goat is with you, you are calm and collected. When your goat is stolen, you become angry and upset. So smile and the world will smile back; it’s better than the alternative.

On the subject of smiling, it almost appears as if the Chinese almanac has a Cheshire cat like grin due to its bright red visage. This makes most things favourable including meditation, asking for blessings, taking a course, visiting friends, getting engaged, having an astrology reading, opening a business, signing contracts and trading, refurbishing a home or office, moving earth, fixing a roof, buying or setting direction for a bed or oven , hunting, or setting up a tombstone. It only advises against dealing with fabrics, so with the festive season looming, try to delay any urge to buy multi-coloured socks or reindeer emblazoned sweaters – at least until tomorrow.

To see how your own sign is affected today see our dedicated Wood Sheep web page and we will return tomorrow on a Fire Monkey day.

Until then, enjoy NOW!

Finn & Slim Shooey

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