Wednesday 24 July 2013

Live high on the hog?

It’s a very lucky day for activities involving friends

Despite the title, today is actually a Rabbit day in Chinese astrology not a Hog. However, falling as it does in a Sheep month, an alignment starts to form which is completed by the Pig zodiac sign.

This brings an enormous wood element influence to those under this Hog sign and in general terms, can signify great kindness or extreme anger. Personally, it can mean great opportunities for relationships, wealth, recognition, authority / promotion, creativity and either feeling relaxed or extremely vibrant; it all depends on the balance of one’s horoscope.

To see how it affects you and your friends, (feel free to pass this onto them) first get a free Chinese horoscope  to see if you have a Pig anywhere in your chart. Then see the attribute cycle for personal effects. However, from 9pm – 11pm local time tonight, we all get to experience the effects of this triple alignment, so it’s worth checking how it will personally affect you.

The Feng Shui almanac already says it’s a very lucky day and recommends activities involving friends such as visiting them, taking a course, travelling, getting married and emigrating. More personal pursuits are also favoured, such as  meditating or honouring ancestors, asking for blessings, having an astrology reading, opening a business and trading, refurbishing a home or office, laying foundations, fixing a roof, buying or a setting direction for your bed, or setting up a tombstone. It advises against opening a well or even fermenting. As wood absorbs water, this must have something to do with a lack of moisture?

Astrologically speaking, today is also good for Rat signs who are expressive and creative and can see their plans develop. They may also receive opportunities to travel.

Rabbits get helps from friends, whilst the Tiger can develop rapidly due to great support.

Our Earth signs of Dragon, Goat, Dog and Ox should feel powerful, although if pressurised they should wear warm colours. Female earth signs are also lucky in love today, whilst males would have to have the metal element of Monkey or Rooster to have similar luck. Snake and Horse signs may feel energetic and are in a good position to receive helpful advice.

We should return tomorrow, commitments permitting. Until then, enjoy every moment of NOW!
Finn & Slim Shooey

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